Select Publications


Review of “We Love In Small Moments” by M.Boles - Variety Pack, Issue 5, p.79

Poetry & Prose

Ashes of Barbados - Hecate, May 2021 Issue (now defunct)

Fructophobia - Neologism Poetry Journal, Issue 48

Malcontent - Delicate Friend, Issue 5: Open Spaces

to Gehenna - Opia

Bygones & Mixtapes - Kissing Dynamite, Issue 21: Saviour

Citizenless (audio version) - Fourteen Poems, Issue 2 (Print)

When Rescue Dogs Sleep - Dwelling Literary: Dream House Issue

what of Womanhood

Editorial Work

Kissing Dynamite
Managing Editor: Nov 2022 - Present
General Editor: Aug 2021 - Nov 2022
Assistant Editor (Microchaps) : Nov 2020 - Aug 2021

Chestnut Review
Reader : Sep 2020 - Oct 2021